New Construction
Lighting Design & VE for Less
LED Solution's vendor agnostic approach creates meaningful savings for your project. We work hand in hand with general contractors, architects, engineers, and electricians to drive value in all aspects of lighting design, supply, and installation. Our team leverages a vast knowledge of products, technology, and vendor agnostic approach to provide the best solution at the lowest price for your next project.
LED Solution's Design Team puts their knowledge, experience, and track record of success to work for your project. With our help, we ensure the immediate and long term success for your project.
LED Solution's vendor agnostic approach generates meaningful savings for your project. We provide value equivalent options that meet your specs with average price reduction of 30%.
LED Solution stands by it's products, technology, and installation with multi- year warranty's that we handle and service. With LED there is no chasing vendors or manufacturers. If there's a product that malfunctions we can take care of it with one call.